"Since I spoke with Jill the first time to learn more about her 12-week course, I knew it was the right person and seminar for me. It has been awesome to have her support, love, energy, and wisdom in my life right now. It is a beautiful way to remind me that I am Made for More! Thank you for reminding me that we should celebrate life all the time. I know I can count on Jill at any time." -Keibby S.

Be Luminous is a 12-week collaborative mastermind for women who believe that life is meant for joy and meaning and fulfillment and who are feeling that they don’t have enough of those things in their life right now. Women who are interested in living an extraordinary life, of waking up excited for what they get to do that day, in fully living the life they came here to live.

This mastermind is for women ready to make changes in their lives for more of what they would love, women eager to pull the work toward them and be a contribution and support to the whole group of heart-centered, engaged and inspiring women.

Be Luminous is about being YOUR unique light in the world. It’s about letting your joy guide you on your unique journey. It’s about feeling good, knowing and trusting your intuition, taking that next step you feel in your heart. And it’s about aligning and experiencing all that you courageously allow yourself to dream.

During this mastermind and beyond, results you will experience are:

  • DOING things that you love
  • Feeling at peace with yourself
  • Feeling like yourself again
  • Having time for you
  • Knowing how to discern your intuition and letting it guide you
  • Clarity on your purpose
  • More abundance in the areas of life that are important to you
  • Deeper connection with those you love, including yourself
  • Connection to your own value and worth
  • Tools for effectiveness with yourself in all areas of your life
  • Making changes in your life that you are ready for and have been scared to take
  • Confidence in yourself and your decisions

Some of the benefits you will receive during the mastermind are:

  • Deeply connected to a supportive community of women
  • Upper level coaching
  • Being a contribution to others
  • Understanding and harnessing several universal laws to work in your favor
  • Life-altering experiences
  • Allowing yourself to desire and dream of what you’d love
  • Being present to magic and miracles daily
  • Somatic practices to build safety and trust in your body’s messages

In taking part in this mastermind, there are several agreements I ask each woman to make. These are, first and foremost, for herself and secondly, for the integrity and experience of the group.

These agreements I ask you to make are that:

  • Somewhere in you, you believe it to be true that you are radiant and here to express your unique luminosity.
  • You hold yourself as sacred.
  • You are willing to put a stake in the course and in your life. Put something on the line.
  • You fully show up for yourself and others.
  • You are willing to be coachable.
  • You are courageous and pull the work to you - you DO the playwork!
  • You allow feelings to come up for resolution and then use the contrast to focus on a solution. No prolonged complaining.
  • You commit fully to yourself and the collective - all the times, dates, play work. No quitting.
  • You have fun.

The 12-week Be Luminous Collaborative Mastermind includes:

  • (1) 90 minute expert-led group call per week
  • (1) 60 minute collaborative group call per week
  • An accountability partner for the 12 weeks
  • Regular WhatsApp support from me
  • Experiential activities and play work to do every week
  • Guest experts (some may involve additional fees)
  • VIP pricing on future curriculum
  • 4 hr Embodiment Immersion workshop
  • Weekly joy inquiries/focuses

Additional expenses:

  • Personal activities/supplies for your play work
  • Contribution to guest experts


$2222 - paid in full


$888/mo. - auto payment plan

Participants for this mastermind are through invitation or application only. This is a high level, collaborative mastermind, and it is important that you and I both feel that we are a match for each other. It is my absolute honor and joy to work with women with whom I am energetically aligned. I have found that this is imperative to the experience and the results you will get from a course.

If you are interested in this course and we have not had a conversation, please schedule a call with me here.

Register Now! 12-Week Collaborative

After submission, you will be registered. To pay, choose Be Luminous $2222 or the auto pay program for $888 per month. Click on the store item of your choice.

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