Thanksgiving 2018. This is the first year I will not have my children with me; they are with their dad today. There's a lot of newness when separating a family and this is one aspect. There are in-law relationships to figure out, family celebrations that not everyone comes to, niece and nephews who will always be that to me. It can be tricky and definitely takes some attention, communication and lots of love and grace.
This year, my kids are with their dad, their grandparents and their dad's girlfriend. I made a decision to not let these circumstances prevent me from enjoying my favorite holiday of the year. I love getting together with loved ones and eating delicious foods, watching the Thanksgiving Day parade, being warm and cozy when it's chilly outside.
I created a Friendsgiving Celebration with a community of people. These are people I know, love, rely on, trust and who have been a wall of support for me from the moment I came to Georgia, even before I knew any of them well. I am so grateful for them and I want to acknowledge myself for all the efforts I've made to create community in a new place and during an very challenging time in my life.
Life will give you a lot of circumstances... that's a guarantee. What you do with them and who you are in the face of them is what will make your life normal or extraordinary. I choose extraordinary.