Have you ever noticed how our lives are made up of tiny, individual moments all strung together? And how each moment has the potential to change your life in immeasurable ways?
Are you choosing your actions in those moments or are you letting the moments define you?
This is it. This very moment as you read this one word, is it. This one moment is all you ever have. Do you hear the still, small voice inside you speaking your truth in these moments? Do you act in alignment with a bigger commitment than your circumstances? Or do you let yourself get hijacked by someone's words or actions or what you have made them mean about you? Be careful - you're doing it even now.
This is my journey through the moments, the choices, the breakdowns and breakthroughs. There will be wins and losses; actions that work and ones that don't; ups, downs and in-between's. I hope you join me. I hope you find something in my journey that touches you and inspires you to look at your own and, in these moments that are your life, to choose boldly, with love and authenticity.
This is my life, my miraculous gift that I chose in order to express the Divine in this world. I get the say in how it goes.
This is the journey of a created life.